Will I pay tax on a company car?

Will I pay tax on a company car?

The taxation of company vehicles is one of the most complex areas of tax and as a result one that we get asked about the most. It is not helped by the fact that the rules are different depending upon how you use the vehicle, how your company provides it and whether it...
What are capital allowances on cars?

What are capital allowances on cars?

Capital allowances on cars is one of those subjects that often surprises people when it comes time to do a corporation tax return. This is because instead of claiming depreciation as a deduction you have to claim capital allowances and these can often be different to...
Growing your business – 17 things to watch out for

Growing your business – 17 things to watch out for

When they start in business, most people have dreams of growing but there are some hidden traps that can stop those dreams from becoming reality. Everyone makes mistakes, but what we see are the same things coming up again and again. Some of them are pretty major and...